Mockup Instructions

Adobe Photoshop is required to open and customize this product. This mockup is created using Smart Objects, which allows for customization of the product label to meet your creative needs. Elements beyond the product label color and product label content are not editable. For questions, please submit a support request.


I. Your Design

  1. Double-click the *Your Design* layer smart-object thumbnail, shown below. If directed to the *Your Design - Smart Object* tab with the *Click Here Again* Layer, double-click the smart-object thumbnail icon again.

  2. In the new *Your Design* tab, customize the elements to design your label:

    1. Image Layer Delete the placeholder logo and drop in your own logo files

    2. Text Layer  Edit or delete text layers for additional label info

    3. Background Layer – Toggle ON/OFF visibility of testing background for easier observation - toggle OFF before saving.

  3. Click File > Save and return to the previous tab where your custom label should display. If directed to the *Your Design - Smart Object* tab, click File > Save once more and return to the original PSD mockup tab.

II. Label Color


Double-click the *Label Color* layer thumbnail, shown below. Adjust color picker to select color. Click “OK” to save.

III. Mockup Filter


Expand *Mockup Filter* folder. Toggle ON/OFF visibility of each filter to meet your needs.

Filter Notes:

  1. Polaroid/Glossy – Expand folder and toggle visibilty of *Frame* layer to choose glossy vs polaroid effect.

  2. Blur Filter – Expand folder and toggle visibility of “Horizontal Blur” or “Circular Blur” layer to choose blur effect.

IV. Export File


Click File > Export and select desired output for your new mockup file.