ISS.008, Recommended Reading
For Business
My six-year standby for client management; Honeybook has evolved exponentially alongside my business since 2019, and now I craft and deliver practically everything process-wise — proposals, contracts, payments, schedulers, feedback questionnaires — through their ecosystem. Their smart-files nearly obviate Adobe for admin docs, while project-specific email templates and automations render asana superfluous. Recent revelation: template sharing between users. Here's my Client Feedback Offboarding template for facilitating testimonials. If you have questions, please ask! For a discount, here is my referral*.
For Creativity
A sketchbook as an analog antidote for digital-dominated design work; While standard for brand projects, my web project processes remained strictly digital until the last couple of years. Now, I rely on my desk-top sketchbook to invite messy, boundary-less ideation for strategy notes, design concepts and initial web page designs. Paper removes the technical constraints and creative limitations that digital interfaces necessitate; instead, paper creates space and opportunity for easier flow of ideas, concepts and unconventional thinking. Worth trying: pen-to-paper ideation as preliminary practice.
For Design / Dev
(Yes, another) notion database of Squarespace-specific plugins, tutorials, and courses. It spans from simple (and free) code snippets to comprehensive education from various professionals with my starred favorites, implementation notes, and personal reviews detailing practical application. As complement: a supplemental toolkit of essential sites + Chrome extensions I use for every development project.