ISS.005, Recommended Reading


For Business

The most obvious & overlooked local business resource; a basic offering I would’ve otherwise bypassed (thanks Dad!), your local Small Business Development Center can be a hugely valuable tool hub for US-based entrepreneurs. While it took me a couple of rounds to find the right match, I found lasting value in their Free business advising mentorship and literal value from a super accessible $5k state-funded grant a few years back. It’s worth checking out.

For Creativity

The passive practice of sound healing; A couple of weeks ago, I attended my friend Sophia’s sound bath ceremony - if you haven't experienced this before, do it. It's ironically hard to put into words, but it's an entrancing, healing, and wild experience. She opened my eyes (and ears) to the power of sound therapy, including the more accessible format of binaural beats - sound that creates a third frequency in your brain by combining two distinct tones. I've been tapping into it occasionally to help with creativity.

For Design / Dev

My notion database of copyright-free media libraries categorized w/ cost, media type and starred-selections of my favorites. Click-in to see my comments on select resources for my insights and tips into how and why I use them, plus practical tips for each platform. Have resources to add? Please share them!

Maya Normandi

Elemental brands, websites & creative assets for businesses driven by purpose.

ISS.006, Recommended Reading


ISS.004, Recommended Reading